Category Archives: toto house


In March, we finished production of “Toto House“, a corporate film for Japanese sanitary manufacturer TOTO. Directed and designed by Soi’s Uwe Heidschoetter, the film premiered simultaniously on the web and at ISH ‘11 in Frankurt. We rececently received a few photos showing the framework the film was presented in at ISH, and we thought that they looked quite nice. Thank you, Toto.


“Toto House”, a five minute corporate film for japanese manufacturer of fine sanitary ware TOTO, is currently premiering on the web and at ISH ’11, Frankurt. Directed and designed by Soi’s Uwe Heidschoetter, the little film follows the lives of rather recent neighbors Mr. Rabbit and Mrs. Fox and their gentle first encounters. Watch “Toto House” here.

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